The Very Real Dangers of Working from Home

Without a healthy set of rules, this new framework is a recipe for disaster

Joseph Mavericks
9 min readJul 13, 2020
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

With the current pandemic, a lot of the people lucky enough to keep their job had to make the switch to a remote framework. This means staying at home a lot while trying to get work done, alone or with the kids, roommates, parents… There are a lot of different ways people work from home, and they all have their positive and negative sides. But there’s one thing that’s true for all of them: the gap between work and private life gets a lot smaller.

When you work from home, your laptop is never far away from your bed. Your work emails might steal your attention while cooking. Your meetings take place in your living room. Your work is physically infiltrating every aspect of your private life, and that can make you feel a number of different ways: scared, exhausted, angry, longing for change…

At my 9 to 5, I have switched to a schedule where I work remote 3 days a week (Tuesday to Thursday), and on location Mondays and Fridays. Like a lot of people I’ve had to adjust to this new life. In this article, I want to talk about the negative sides and how to cope with them.

Let’s get to it.

Bad eating



Joseph Mavericks

Living with a purpose and improving myself is changing my life — I also make Youtube videos: